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For anyone who has taken the Myers-Briggs personality test, the above letters should look familiar. Per a book on different personalities, the above letters make me a “Provider”. Providers are those who “ seem eager to serve others, making sure they feel well-supplied with provisions and are a part of the group”. Yeah that sounds right.
It is intriguing, to say the least, to study the different personalities, add my faith to it, and then add the new culture which surrounds me. I am a huge fan of any type of test/theory that allows us to become more self-aware and aware of others. I believe it is a required key for unity and justice. I have also learned through my 6 years at Aetna and short time in Ethiopia, that ignoring our differences creates a mess centered in poor communication.
The way Myers Briggs lumps personalities together brings into question God’s design for me. It makes me wonder about destiny and his creation. Is my destiny a product of my personality, or my personality a product of my destiny? Did God use a cookie cutter to make us with slight modifications? These are questions I would leave for my friend and theorist Andrew! After much thought, it is obvious to me that God’s power and glory is most visible through each extremely unique human being. Our differences are ironically the greatest source of relational miracles and relational catastrophes. They also show the unfathomable power of our creator.
As an American, my tenancy is to exert my personality onto others. I actually think this is a human trait, just intensified by me. When we see difference in someone we lean towards wanting to fix them, or wonder what’s wrong with them. Ugh, what a disastrous mistake. Wanting to change someone is the first step to creating an un-unified body. It is when we humble ourselves and honor our differences that we can come together and achieve greatness as a whole. The Bible never suggests that love is only for the similarities between us. Love is a blanket statement and action. Love is for all, our friends, enemies, family, those like us and those opposite.
As you may know or imagine, personality differences are not a part of the equation in Ethiopia. Psychology here is nothing compared to America. Culturally, Ethiopia works in a group mentality which means there is little emphasis put on individuals and therefore personalities. Everyone works towards the group’s goal, whether it fits their “style” or not. Well, I am challenged to find a balance. I believe it is God honoring to appreciate each individual’s differences, but I do appreciate the way Ethiopians work together for the betterment of the whole. By no means do I want to exert my Americanisms on Ethiopia, but I do hope I can be a part of introducing a new technique to relationships.
Another aspect of personality differences that excites me here, is just watching our boys. I am so challenged to find ways to allow each unique young man flourish within his own ambitions, abilities, interest, and traits. WOW, what a challenge to not “control” but what a reward to be a part of it and be able to watch them grow!

Written by adamtaylorethiopia

May 15, 2010 at 2:26 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

4 Responses

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  1. Adam: Now how’s that for a psyc 101 lesson. It is a major difference between cultures, usually attributed to east/west. The insight about difference is right on in my book. If you just look at how Jesus responded to the major differences in his own disciples the picture becomes clear. God bless you as you continue to learn and grow. You are being groomed every day for what the next steps are in your life, and I am holding you. Doc


    May 16, 2010 at 1:01 pm

  2. Ad,
    I it is so cool to hear how you use your knowledge to discover how to improve interactions and understand relaionships. When I took the MB test 20 years ago(was in a similiar quadrant as you) I had a much different reflection about it. Many will be glad they have known you as you develope into an outstanding servant leader. It takes a lot of work to uncover what makes relationships go and provide encouragement to benefit others. I praise God for your efforts and progress with the boys. I think of our Skype conversation yesterday as I hear the birds chirp. Sure do miss ya…


    May 16, 2010 at 8:38 pm

  3. I always felt that God created us with certain tendancies and then allowed certain things to happen to us to mold us into the person He was trying to create. I feel like each stage is important to get just the right result. May God guide you as you seek to bless each boy individually.


    May 17, 2010 at 7:18 pm

  4. Eph. 2:10 infp


    May 19, 2010 at 3:45 pm

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